Friday, January 26, 2007

Hi I am baccckkkk!!!!!

Hi it's been a while. Nobody's home, hubby is gone to physical rehab so no peeking over my shoulder. The little kids went back to school about a month ago, The mom(daughter ) has moved back in I think. Don;t know for sure but she has been hanging around here. Her Dad told her to get her head out of her ass. And start acting like a parent. So boy friend spent the night here last night. How thrilling it seems like this house get smaller and smaller. Her and the boys. They love their mom but she isn't here most of the time and Gma is mom. So I have to back off when she is here. Which is stressful. She doesn't get them up for school, fed or dress them. The only way she will is if I go into the other room and shut the door. Which I know is rejecting the little boys but she needs to take risibility. It's a hard thing to do and now she 's got a boyfriend again. It never last long. There is a lot of issues with him. I guess race is a biggie, She seems to be attracted to people of different backgrounds. She presents these guys to her sons. They never are permanent. But if one of them ends up permanent it is going to make their lives harder. She claims this one is the one but over a year ago there was a different one that was it. She and he went to Huston area to live. Took the boys for six weeks and sent them back. Then borrowed money to more back here, lived with his mom, broke up with him. She doesn't work at a steady job. Now she has a new one. He's in the military, got hurt while being deployed. Just been released medically. Doesn't know where is going to be based and is this an other short one?? She is almost thirty years old and I am tired of the bull shit. She lives off of us which wasn't so bad until her Dad got sick and I lost my job. We can't claim her or the boys for dependency. She's too old and we don't have any legal claim to them, even though we feed and clothe and house them. She gets no child support from their no good dads. She decided to sell her car and use ours, has never had car insurance, took my cell phone since hers was shut off, A year ago. The last two months she has paid the bill for it, but instead of getting her own phone for Xmas she gives me a prepaid. Grrr.
Then there is her little brother, who is almost as bad but he isn't living with us. He just gives us his dogs to feed and take care of. Babysit when he doesn't feel like dealing with the eight month old. We ask his to do things around he but he is too busy. The only time he talks to me is when he wants money or wants us to do something for him. He never pays the money back also. I would like to go hide some place for about five years and maybe think real hard about contacting anybody them.
My husband is driving me up the wall too. He lies in bed most of the time and expects me to be his slave. He won't take his pills unless I give them to him. He says he's bored but gee whiz he could get up and do some housework, yard work some thing besides TV and putting back all the weight he lost when he was sick, yes I know he can't do all he used to do but the pity party and blaming me for alot doesn't cut it either. I am tired of being super mom.
I even have tried to get into school because I am considered a dispalced worker but every thing I have looked at has to have extra classes before going fro the degree. And I have to pay for them out of my own pocket which I can't afford. It makes it very hard to even try when you are as old as I am. And poor too. I don't know what I am going to do.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

tuesday and counting

Continue with my story. Oh does it matter. Not really. Needless to say my husband cam't collect ss because they said he can't do what he use to do but oh yes he can be retrained. It has but a big burden on me. Now my job is gone to Mexico and China, the company called it downsizing . LOL. It's their way and not having to pay out anything and wow I can go to scholl because I am now a displaced worked and am up shit creek because my spouse no longer can work. I am trying to ge into school but after 30 something years of being out high school, the birth certifacte was no good because it was too old and unreadable so I had to apply for it in Montana. which may take up to two weeks. So much for going to school next month. Now I guess it'll be time to find a job, take care of hubby andthe two grandkids. I thought things would be easier by the time I got to this age. But no such luck. Well got to go kids will get home in a few.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

tis the week before xmas and nothing has been done

tis the week before xmas and nothing is done, no shopping, no idea what to buy or make, no money, not much time. Thought we would have a kid free weekend but Mom showed up at 11p.m. last night with the two bundles of joy. She stayed a five whole minutes and out the door with her "girlfriend". Off to who knows where andd may be I just don't care any more. she may show up sometime this afternoon to see the boys but usually she goes to bed and makes them watch tv. So much for quality time with her kids.
My mind is blank when it comes to what to do. Since my husband had quardruple bypass in Feb it has gone done hill. He was 45 days in ICU. They first had problems with the surgery. The Drs tore a hole in the back of his heart so he was dead twice but good thing he was able to come back both times, ha, ha. he recieved lung damge, nerve damage and a coma for five days. they told the only thing tto do was pray ,so I did. He came out and was able to go home but he acted like a four year old. didn't know how to buckle the seat belt in the car, could dress himself, would go soil himself and then his wound on his chest oozed. they told us it was normal. when his heart rate got up to 130 pm. I took him to the ER. They told us he had a infection. They then toook out his sturnum because it was so bad. They went in the next week and did a "flap". He now looks like Frankenstein on the chest. His brain funcution is sorted of normal. He does now dress himself