Tuesday, December 19, 2006

tuesday and counting

Continue with my story. Oh does it matter. Not really. Needless to say my husband cam't collect ss because they said he can't do what he use to do but oh yes he can be retrained. It has but a big burden on me. Now my job is gone to Mexico and China, the company called it downsizing . LOL. It's their way and not having to pay out anything and wow I can go to scholl because I am now a displaced worked and am up shit creek because my spouse no longer can work. I am trying to ge into school but after 30 something years of being out high school, the birth certifacte was no good because it was too old and unreadable so I had to apply for it in Montana. which may take up to two weeks. So much for going to school next month. Now I guess it'll be time to find a job, take care of hubby andthe two grandkids. I thought things would be easier by the time I got to this age. But no such luck. Well got to go kids will get home in a few.

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